Department of Anthropology
The Graduate Center, City University of New York
BA equivalent, 2011, University of Vienna, Austria
MA equivalent (Mag. rer. nat.), 2013, University of Vienna, Austria
M.phil, 2015, Graduate Center, CUNY
2015; Mazelis, E.J.; Lumbar vertebral shape and trabecular structure in African Papionini (abstract). PaleoAnthropology 2015:A20.
2014; Delson, E., Alba, D.M., Frost, S.R., Harcourt-Smith, W.E., Martín Suárez, E., Mazelis, E.J., Morales, J.,Moyà-Solà, S., Shearer, B.M.; Paradolichopithecus, a large terrestrial Pliocene Cercopithecine from Europe: New remains and an update (abstract). XII EAVP Meeting - Torino 24-28 June 2014 - Abstract Book, p.50.
2014; Mazelis, E.J., Covariation of locomotor behavior and vertebral shape in Cercopithecidae (abstract). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 153 (suppl. 58), p.179.
2012; Frischauf, C., Mazelis, E., Rabeder, G.; Report on the test excavation (2011) in the Pendling bear cave near Kufstein (Northern Tyrol; 1266/21). Die Höhle, 63:1-4.